Archive | Robin Jones Gunn

Sisterchicks Go Brit

Isn’t this a cute promotion idea? Robin Jones Gunn’s newest Sisterchicks book, Sisterchicks Go Brit! (Sisterchicks Series #7) , is available now! I met her at my very first writer’s conference ever. A gem of a lady. And not a bad writer, either! Us at ACFW ’07

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HUGE Fiction Giveaway

Mom and I write about relationships. We are a relationship. We want to dominate the relationship brand. And we want to have at least 500 subscribers to the Ashberry Lane Newsletter by the first of the year. Should we expect you to sign up and work hard at strong-arming your friends to sign up while […]

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ACFW: The First Day (Lots of Pics)

Rebecca, Mom, and I arrived at the Marriott around 10:30. We quickly registered and checked our editor appointment schedules. Combined, we had only received two appointments. In years past, or if this had been our first conference, we might have panicked. Instead, we trusted God to place us where and with whom we needed to […]

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