Archive | Random

Two Tips to Change Your Life

How annoying is it when you’re trying to get that perfect piece of cling wrap cut and the tube jumps out of the box? I know! Pretty much the only things worse are shark attacks and weird suntan lines from sunglasses. Did you know that there are little tabs on either side of the plastic […]

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Random Rants … Join In!

Hallelujah, I’m done with my first full edit! It only took a month from the day I received it to return it. Obviously, I’ll be speeding up my turnaround time. 🙂 Did she get her money’s worth from me? I do believe so, considering my comments added 10,000 words to her total word count! Anyway, […]

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Personality Test & Clean Freak Mama Revisited

Chanda Canup had invited me to take a personality test, but I was self-grounded from playing on the computer at the time. But isn’t blogging supposed to be fun? “ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They […]

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Middle Name Meme

Camy Tang tagged me! The Rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to […]

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OCW: The Punishment

The French have Nutella, but Down Under Vegemite’s the favorite spread. The pictures can speak for themselves…. Donna, two bites was as much punishment as I could handle. My palate ranks the saltiness of Vegemite somewhere up there with beef bouillon cubes soaked in soy sauce. My hubby noticed the expiration date on the bottom […]

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OCW: The Prank

As I see it, I have three options: A) Tell you all I really didn’t do anything to Donna and this whole thing has been a marketing ploy. B) Make up a completely different prank and weave a cool story around it. The idea of doing this cracks me up, as Donna would be flabbergasted. […]

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My Award-Winning Writing

Please don’t hate me because I won a writing contest. You, too, if you work hard and write every day, may be able to win something… someday. Or, if you religiously visit every blog listed in your blog roll on a daily basis, you might stumble across a gem of a contest. The tale: Charlene […]

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Quick Claim to Fame

I’m the star of Robin Lee Hatcher’s blog! Okay, not really me. But a movie I recommended is! (Notice she and I are on first name basis?) If you check it out, leave a comment saying Christina sent you. Take a minute to read her posting about her WIP. I love hearing the nitty-gritty from […]

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