What Do the Kids Think about Author Mom?

Oh, my lovely children. They see things differently than I do and part of the joy of being home with them is discovering how their minds work.

Joshua was overwhelmed by the box of books that arrived by UPS yesterday. “There must be twenty-hundred million in there!” I hadn’t even considered that he’s never seen a large number of the same book in one place. It fascinated him.

Moody posted their new releases here. The top of the Familiar Stranger page reads, “Christina is available for print, radio, television, and web interviews.” I showed it to Andrea, who began giggling and said, “And for dates, Mom!” Ha!

Though it would be great to let my new publicist, Jeane Wynn of Wynn-Wynn Media handle the booking of those as well … 😉

I mentioned an intro blog post earlier this week. Margaret Daley has now put the full interview up. Come find out how I take rejection. Each comment left is a chance to win a free copy of The Familiar Stranger!

3 Responses to What Do the Kids Think about Author Mom?

  1. donna fleisher August 28, 2009 at 11:57 am #

    Sending twenty-hundred million congrats and hugs and prayers and you-go-girl!!s. : )

  2. Susan J. Reinhardt August 28, 2009 at 12:33 pm #

    Hi Christina –

    It’s nice your kids are old enough to appreciate Mom’s achievement. Now, they can go to school and say, “My Mom’s an author.”

    Maybe they’ll bring you to school for, “Show and Tell.” 🙂


  3. Christina Berry September 4, 2009 at 12:26 am #

    Donna, feelin’ them!!

    Susan, they LOVE it. Tonight they were particularly thrilled they are invited to my first book signing. 🙂