And They’re Off!

The beds are stripped and the sheets are already in the dryer. The washer is stuffed with towels. The house is clean. I’ve made the rounds of all my favorite blogs. And now I’m blogging.

And it’s only 10:40!

Ah, the first day of school! I do miss my little munchkins, but I’m making the most out of having seven hours to myself. Last night, I went into kiss my sweetie girl goodnight and there was this BIG girl in her bed. I mean, her body stretched almost the length of the mattress!

And my boy…. He has a loose tooth. A tooth so loose that it should have fallen out a few days ago. It can go forward and back, left to right, and spin. The only thing keeping it in his gums is pure determination. (If he looses a tooth at school, the office will give him a little toothcase to carry it home in.)

He refused to eat breakfast today! Because the tooth might fall out. Need I tell you how bad his breath was from the lack of real brushing? I’m sure he lost it within five minutes of the tardy bell.

Notice there’s no picture of sweetie girl in her class? Joshua’s first/second grade class was abuzz with parents, picture taking, and unloading school supplies. Down the hall, in the third/fourth grade class? Deathly silence. I was allowed to walk her to her cubby and put the bag of school supplies in her box–with a quick peck on the cheek snuck in–but NO pictures. They’re all about business, those older kids.

So here begins the first day of my life as a full-time writer. And weekday blogger. I hope you will enjoy the journey…and the random bits of life I’ll have to mine for material to fill these pages!

4 Responses to And They’re Off!

  1. donna fleisher September 5, 2007 at 11:40 am #

    YAY!!!! And how cool. A most delightful couple of munchkins.

    Eeennnnnjjjjjooooyyyyy the quiet, the extra time, and each present moment. Ahh, for all too soon you’ll hear the rumbling of the diesel engine of that bright yellow bus returning your rambunctious lil’ munchkins back home to you. Time flies when you have fun. ; )

  2. Lynetta September 6, 2007 at 6:41 am #

    Cute kids! I envy the seven hours of quiet to write and your ability (desire?) to keep such a clean house. But then again, I’d miss out on all the fun I have at school with them. I guess there are pros and cons to everything 🙂 I’ll think of you this morning as I write as much as possible before I have to go, ignoring the unmopped floors, piles of laundry, and the stacks of papers and books on my desk 🙂

  3. tammy bowers September 6, 2007 at 7:45 am #

    Ahhhhh, the seasons of life add spice and variety. Life would be boring without them. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job enjoying every second of this one.

  4. Jen's Journey September 6, 2007 at 7:16 pm #

    Visit my blog to receive an award. 😉