The Power of Words

A few nights ago, we watched a rerun of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I’ve loved the show since my sister-in-law first turned me on to it in its first season, but we’ve been trying to cut back our TV viewing over the past year and Sunday nights fell by the wayside.

But, oh, how the stories grab me. This night’s focused on a mother of five, pregnant with the sixth…and her husband died next to her in bed. His cause of death was later determined to be an allergic reaction to the mold he was exposed to when remodeling their house.

The show played a snippet of the 911 call. A phrase the woman repeated on the tape has stayed with me. “I must have you back!”

Before she said that, my eyes were dry. The instant I heard her line, tears gushed up. Why? Why was that phrase so powerful? I think its the formality juxtaposed with the intensity. I never would have thought to word her cry that way if I were writing a scene like that in a novel. Absolutely gut-wrenching.

One Response to The Power of Words

  1. Auntie Depressant January 31, 2007 at 8:45 am #

    I too was struck by her cries. It was certainly powerful. I’m sure I would feel the same way should Pat die but aren’t we blessed to KNOW that we will be with them again!!