Romeo and Juliet with a Happy Ending?? Adoring Addie by Leslie Gould

Main ingredients for an Amish book:
~show a simple life
~have a sweet ending

How, then, could Leslie Gould even attempt to use Romeo and Juliet as the inspiration for her newest Amish novel? I mean, come on. The most tragic love drama of all time??? How can that possible come to a conclusion that would please the average reader of Amish fiction?

Since Leslie did such a great job with Courting Cate, which was inspired by The Taming of the Shrew, I was willing to bet she could do it. (See my review of that here.) Few books have me racing through the pages anymore–either because I’m analyzing the unique ones as an author or because I’ve seen the plot before–but I ADORED Adoring Addie, and I bet you will, too.

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