Up and Running

Whew! After one week without a computer, I’m now limping my way back to being fully connected. As of today, the computer whiz had been unable to retrieve any data, though he has one more trick to try.

So what if I never get that information back? The largest, most important pieces of my writing are securely backed up. Maybe I needed to let go of those half-written articles, those saved letters. Maybe I needed to be freed from the mental drain and clutter those files caused. Don’t I trust the Lord enough to believe He will restore the files I need and burn away the ones that pulled me down, held me back?

I’m free!

But I’m way behind of my humanly-set schedule. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day of catch up.

And today? Let’s see: broken lawn mower, hours spent reinstalling everything on a new hard drive, euthanizing a cancerous pet rat, massive headache, lots of cuddling with Joshua, a thrown together dinner ending up being delicious, painting Andrea’s nails because she broke her bad habit of peeling them, researching medical stuff for my current book, paying bills…pretty much ran the gamut.

I’m hoping to blog more often and I’ve got pages of ideas of what to write. Gotta find the time. Using dial-up and with the kids getting out of school in less than a week, I can’t guarantee you’ll see much improvement.

Until September. I’m forecasting a M-F posting schedule for the month of September!

2 Responses to Up and Running

  1. Dianne June 8, 2007 at 3:06 am #

    Hm, thanks for the reminder to back up more often – computer that is. Glad you’re back in business – yep, just in time for summer!

  2. Jen's Journey June 8, 2007 at 10:40 pm #

    Well, I am so happy you are back! I guess one bad habit I have is not backing up my files. I have most everything on hard copy. But, maybe should get one of those memory sticks I have only downloaded from…

    Sounds as though your day was quite busy as has been my week and tomorrow have a birthday party to throw for my youngest.

    God Bless you in your endeavor of restoring sanity (orderliness) and data.