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Christina’s First Proverb

I’m working on an edit for a client tonight and REALLY enjoying his story, so not a lot of time to blog, AND I’m going far too slowly to make my self-imposed deadline. But I wanted to share a little proverb I came up with in the shower this morning while pondering a fact I […]

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Is it a huge helicopter right over us? A stuttering giant? The whole city of Portland has indigestion at the same time? Josh and I walked out of OHSU to the most interesting sound. The whole world vibrated with it. We’d just finished 3.5 hours of testing as paid participants in an ADHD study, but […]

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Laughing Alone? Newest Newsletter!

 If you think it’s been a long time since I blogged, you should know that I went more than a year between newsletters! The newest can be found on the link on my sign-up-form page of my website. There’s the introductions to Dave, wedding pictures, my IQ test results, and much, much more. Ya know […]

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Unfortunate Coincidence

Had to get four fillings today. No, I haven’t been brushing my teeth with cotton candy. In fact, I haven’t had a cavity for more than a decade … and that was the problem. All my fillings were old and worn down, so the dentist replaced them. I had the choice of doing them over […]

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Terrified behind the Wheel

Yesterday I had a bunch of running around to do. The bank, the dentist, Dollar Store for greeting cards, home for shopping list, and then grocery shopping. Winco was stuffed to the brim, but I graciously let carts go in front of me, didn’t take corners too fast, chatted with the clerk as she checked […]

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Book Review Blog: New giveaway! Win an all expense paid Florida vacation that includes a Caribbean Cruise to the Bahamas!

Book Review Blog: New giveaway! Win an all expense paid Florida vacation that includes a Caribbean Cruise to the Bahamas! I know I’ve not been blogging lately, but I wanted to share this great contest. When I get a spare moment, I will officially document WHY I’ve not been blogging. Of course, most of you […]

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