God’s Day Planner? :)

Good Friday. The most painful, hopeless day of all history. The disciples didn’t understand what was going on. Many, many of Christ’s followers were confused. If they had really listened to what Jesus said before He was crucified, things would have felt different … but I’m not even sure they had the capacity to imagine the reality of His Resurrection.

God always shows up when things are at their bleakest and does more than we can imagine. Not that it was anywhere on the scale of salvation for all human kind, but I saw God work this way in my life this week.

On Monday, I looked at my calendar, realized we were weeks into the pay period and I had yet to get a sub day, only had one scheduled, and (strangely) my mortgage payment had not magically disappeared.

“God, I know You’ll take care of me. I know the days I’m going to work are already on Your calendar, but I would really appreciate it if You could put them on mine.”

Within twenty-four hours, I had five sub days scheduled!

Praise Him for all things, big and small.

(Here’s the newest review of The Familiar Stranger on Double Booked. Thanks, Janice!)

6 Responses to God’s Day Planner? :)

  1. quietspirit April 3, 2010 at 5:32 am #

    He’s never late, never early. He’s just in time.

    Happy Easter, Christina

  2. kristen April 5, 2010 at 8:24 am #

    That is awesome!! Go GOD!:)

  3. Anonymous April 5, 2010 at 4:22 pm #

    My colaborator purports a concept he terms “Dramatic Theology”. The idea is that God created man in His image, and that includes His appreciation for drama. God understands that we have to reach the point of crisis before we can appreciate “the save”!

    I’m glad you got five days…just like me!

    – You Know Who –

  4. Susan J. Reinhardt April 7, 2010 at 3:44 pm #

    Hi Christina –

    Wonderful testimony! He takes good care of His kids. 🙂


  5. Nikole Hahn April 8, 2010 at 8:53 am #

    Amen! Wonderful!

  6. Christina Berry April 10, 2010 at 11:54 am #

    And just in time is right, quietspirit! I picked something up and have been sick every day since. 🙁