
Home from celebrating a friend’s birthday … a nice dinner out with great company.

There’s something so interesting about connecting with people, a reminder to my soul that we all need each other and we’re on this journey of life together. To draw closer to each other and to our God.

Had the most wonderful sub day. One period I gave detention to a student, only to see it work as it’s meant to. He buckled right down and got to work, concentrating better than anyone else in class … and earned a paw for excellent behavior. May we all be so quick to take correction!

Patty Wysong follows up with more interview questions, and some are never before seen. ๐Ÿ™‚

She asks about my perfect day, which character interests me the most, and one of my favorites I’ll copy here:

Are there things you put off doing because you dread them?
Nothing. Especially not answering great interview questions because I want to be witty but then suddenly itโ€™s the day the wonderful interviewer needs them and my wittiness is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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