I’m Seeing Stars!

Today’s blog tour takes us to Stormi Johnson’s Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! One of her questions was who I thought should star in a The Familiar Stranger movie. The pictures she posted are fantastic. Hop over, check it out, then come back here and tell me who you think fits the characters more. (Especially if you’ve read the book!)

I’m also seeing stars because I’m almost dizzy with busyness. Wednesday morning, Mom and I fly to Denver for the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. Woohoo! It’s hugely exciting, as it has been the last two years, but I have SO much to do. I’m pretending I’m leaving tomorrow as Tuesday will be filled with foster care meetings and doctor appointments.

Here’s the link to the 2007 ACFW posts, in case you’re curious as to what goes on at these crazy conferences. This one started off with a Texas-sized hug and a slab of steak! And in 2008, I was considered a huge security threat. Read the post here to find out why. (Click “Next Post” to read the whole series from both years.)

Speaking of foster care, “Angel” started preschool today and had a fabulous day. She’s so grown up for just turning three, probably because she’s around older kids most of the time. On Saturday afternoon, she and I were the only ones in the car and she suddenly said, “Thank You, God, for making the moon.” And we proceeded to thank God for everything we could think of: the sun, the dark for night-night, the trees, and the family members.

Why don’t you find something to thank Him for right now. Don’t let a three-year old show you up!

One Response to I’m Seeing Stars!

  1. Tamara Hart Heiner September 14, 2009 at 5:56 pm #

    Your little Angel sounds so sweet. What a blessing darling little children are!