Single Mom’s Success Story

I was scared, sick, and feeling sorry for myself. But I did it anyway!

At the beginning of summer, I signed the kids up for the county library’s reading program. One of the many, many benefits was free tickets to a Timbers game for the kids and a reduced price for accompanying adults. Turned out to be $60 worth of seats for $8! How could I pass that up?

But I didn’t know I’d be sick and not have eaten more than a bowl of cereal and an apple. I didn’t think through the fact that I’d be a woman alone in downtown Portland with three kids after dark. And I especially didn’t consider how much I’d miss having a “partner” with me to make even the littlest decisions, like whether to ride the MAX train into Portland or to drive myself.

In the end, I gritted my teeth and just did it. Actually, I did make allowance for feeling weak and asked Mom and Dad to watch “Angel” so I wouldn’t have to carry a child.

We had the BEST time. Despite the MAX train’s reader board being four stops behind what we were actually at, we got off at the right spot. Got tickets from Will Call and found our awesome seats. Grabbed way too much junk food (pretzels, nachos, hot dogs, Skittles) and cheered the Timbers to a 3-1 victory against the Charleston Battery.

Andrea, not knowing the other meaning behind “battery” asked, giggling, if their coach ever told them they looked tired and need to go “recharge!” 🙂

One of the highlights was seeing Nimo score his first point as a Timber. Watching Danso move his 6’3″ form across the field was like poetry in motion. Everyone played with such heart and skill, it enthralled the kids. They also really enjoyed the Timbers’ fan club’s smoke, exploding ribbons, and constant chanting.

Afterward we headed over to section 116 for autographs. Here’s Scot Thompson signing Joshua’s forehead!

The kids even got the “chain saw guy” to sign. If you want to see more pictures, I’ve created a facebook album with them all.

3 Responses to Single Mom’s Success Story

  1. Jessica August 10, 2009 at 3:09 am #

    That’s so cute! 🙂 Good for you, you brave mamma!

  2. Susan J. Reinhardt August 10, 2009 at 12:31 pm #

    Hi Christina –

    Talk about show, don’t tell! Those happy faces say it all.

    I know how you feel. Beloved and I used to discuss everything. Hiring a roofing contractor stretched me to the limit. 🙂


  3. Christina Berry August 19, 2009 at 1:31 am #

    Thanks, Jessica! Each new step is a part of the healing, I suppose.

    Susan, what a great application of the dreaded “show, don’t tell.” 😉 You will see your Beloved again … just not on this earth.