Coolest High School Elective Ever!

Tuesday I was a substitute at the local high school. Yay me! 🙂 I’ve done a bit of classified subbing while waiting for my restricted certification to be approved, which, obviously, has occurred.

I thought I should use the same theory toward junior high and high schoolers that is used for dogs: never let them smell your fear! I DID pray over the empty classroom at the start of the day …

One of my duties was supervising the coolest elective ever … intro to guitar. Since it’s so late in the semester, the kids practiced their final song for the whole class. Basically, it was a cool jam session. I SO would have taken a class like that if it’d been offered.

Last week was the first time I taught. Coincidentally, Andrea’s class needed a teacher. How cool to have my first day in a classroom with my daughter and kids I’ve known for the last four years! Again and again, I’ve seen God’s graciousness in easing me into a “career” that could well cause me much fear and trembling. By subbing for the classified positions, I was able to attend quite a few of the classes at the high school and know the atmosphere of the classes and teaching styles of a few teachers.

Back to 3rd/4th grade–in an effort to not give preferential treatment, I probably overly-avoided calling on Andrea for answers. Poor girl. But the class said I was the best substitute ever … and I didn’t even give them candy!

Each day has been fulfilling, challenging, exciting, and humbling. There’s a big difference between elementary kids and high schoolers. In and of themselves, I enjoy people of all ages and backgrounds. The IDEA of a HS class can be much worse than a reality. (Though I was talking to Charee, a friend from high school, about how many times our classes would make a substitute cry!) Really, the classes were full of interesting and complicated souls, each with his/her own story. In the case of the seniors, they will soon be making their way into the world. A scary but invigorating time.

What about you? Were you nice to the subs in your schools? Got any crazy stories? We had a substitute that spent the entire class period telling jokes. He had a new repertoire every time, too! Here’s one I remember:

Three samurais are in a competition. The first says, “See that fly? I can cut it into half.” He swings his sword, and the fly falls in two pieces to the ground. The second samurai says, “That’s nothing! I can cut a fly into four pieces.” And another dead fly falls, but in quarters. The third samurai just looks at them, then swings his sword at another fly, which flies away. “You missed him!” his competitors jeer.

“No,” the third samurai replies, “that fly will never have children.”

5 Responses to Coolest High School Elective Ever!

  1. Jessica May 29, 2009 at 3:44 am #

    LOL I did my work and went to sleep in high school. Heeheee. 🙂 My mom was a sub for awhile and she had some fun experiences too. You’re very right about them not smelling your fear. If they do, you’re in trouble.
    I’m so glad you had fun!

  2. Susan J. Reinhardt May 29, 2009 at 7:05 am #

    Hi Christina –

    I was one of those goody two-shoe kids. The boys in the class usually ate the substitute for lunch. They were a rough crowd.

    Maybe the kids in Oregon are nicer. I’m glad you gained their respect and cooperation. 🙂


  3. Sherrie Ashcraft May 30, 2009 at 8:21 am #

    Funny joke! How can you remember one you heard over 10 years ago? I can’t remember ones that I heard last week!!

  4. Christina Berry May 31, 2009 at 7:48 pm #

    Mom, I only remember the dumb ones! Like that one about a pirate and a steering wheel … 😉

    Jessica, would they frown on a substitute sleeping in class? Not if I painted on eyeballs like Jack Sparrow in the last PotC. That might also help with the intimidation!

    Susan, I was always an angel to the sub, so I’m with you. And I’m trying to think of something pirate-y to say as that seems to be the theme, but I’m coming up with nothing. It’s like my brain took a long walk off a short gangplank …

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