The Last Chance for a Bidding War :-)

Just in case you haven’t been by for awhile, start here to read the series in order. (Just click newer post to follow along.)

Monday, November 3rd

Publisher B returns a counter to the counter. They agree to the lower advance I asked for and lower the percentages slightly. Everyone is happy with the deal, but we can’t decide for sure until we see the offer from Publisher A.

My agent has emailed several times, even called and left a message, but there has no response from Publisher A. She emails them again, giving them until the close of the next business day to make the offer or we will automatically go with Pub. B.

(Anyone remember what November 4th was?)

Tuesday, Election Day

The nation continues to talk about change, about the huge decision America is making. I, too, consider it a Big Decision Day. 🙂

There is no contact from Pub. A. I begin to think they didn’t really want to make an offer and I feel slightly rejected … UNTIL God reminds me that I didn’t want to have to make a decision. For the last seven years, Mom and I have prayed that He will shut the doors to publishers that are not right and that the rejections will lead us to the one that is. Both Pub. A & B had rejected our writing in the past. Now God had brought me back to them with a new project.

I shake off any self-pity and thank God for directing my path so clearly.

Wednesday, November 5th

We confirm with Publisher B that we will sign a contract with them for Undiscovered. I try to comprehend the reality: Moody will publish my book! And pay me for the pleasure!

4 Responses to The Last Chance for a Bidding War :-)

  1. Winnie December 21, 2008 at 11:15 am #

    I’m still so excited for you! And hey, you’ll never guess who e-mailed me yesterday!? Never realized how much I miss talkin’ to Donna.

    Thanks for the heads up on the industry info, something to keep in mind when my time comes. I remember that post about Terry’s article, but didn’t have the clear head to read it, and forgot about it. Now I’ll have to take a look at it.

    Hope y’all have a great Christmas and New Year. Stay warm, ’cause we’re freezing here in the mid-west!

  2. Susan J. Reinhardt December 21, 2008 at 3:55 pm #

    Hi Christina –

    When is your book coming out? Are you planning a blog tour? Count me in. 🙂

    Susan 🙂

  3. Jessica December 22, 2008 at 10:00 am #

    Very cool!
    So God actually answered your prayers. Neat.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Avily Jerome December 22, 2008 at 10:50 am #

    Congrats, Christina- again and still!

    Looking forward to continuing the saga with you!