Unafraid of a New Project

Chuckling to myself … I’m so witty at 11 PM! You see, the working title of my new book is Unafraid. That’s right. Those rejections have only made me stronger so I’m back in the armchair again.

Even today, when I watched four little ones, I managed to get most of my word count done and I plan on finishing the rest on the laptop in bed. It’s great because I don’t let myself sleep until I make it. That really keeps me motivated because I love to sleep.

What’s the book about? Well, for the first time I’m trying to write a true romantic suspense. Undiscovered definitely has marital romance and there are suspenseful twists in the plot, but it didn’t really fit the definition of “romantic suspense” that I’ve managed to find: where one or both characters involved in the romance are in danger of losing their lives.

I haven’t plotted anything for Unafraid on paper, but the whole story is laying itself out in my mind and I LOVE how it is looking. Which is good because I’m 3,500 words in so far and if I don’t love it now, I can’t even imagine how I’ll feel at the 60,000-word mark (2/3 done).

It opens with the kidnapping of a six-year-old girl. This has proved to be a difficult task because I’m deeply in her point of view. In comparison to my other writing, I think this first chapter sounds simplistic. However, children are “active” thinkers and story tellers. Really, they’re bursting with nouns and verbs. Hardly any of the sentences are even trying to be passive. Ha.

I mentioned starting this book to a friend. “Oh.” She nods. “I just read a book about a six-year-old girl being kidnapped.”

Eek! Guess what I’m reading now? Dee Henderson’s Danger in the Shadows. I’m to chapter four and breathing better already. I would never claim to write as well as Dee does, but I’m thrilled to find that our stories are not really anything alike in the way they play out. The best thing is that a friend did some of the hardest proposal work for me: finding a comparable (subject matter-wise) book for the market analysis.

2 Responses to Unafraid of a New Project

  1. Tammy Bowers May 14, 2008 at 8:29 am #

    Romantic Suspense: Now you’re talkin’ my language! And I even have a kidnapping in my current WIP. Although it’s a lady DA who get’s nabbed, not a child.

    Don’t you just love imagination! Thanks, God!

  2. Anonymous May 16, 2008 at 9:37 am #

    Way to go, Christina!!!

    Kathy Herman (Christian Adult Fiction) wrote “A Shred of Evidence,” and included was the kidnapping of a child.

    -Debbie M.