Surgery Kneecap

I’m emerging from my drug-induced fog long enough to give you a kneecap, um … recap, of the whole ordeal.

I stayed up until 3 the night before getting things done as I knew I wouldn’t be functioning for quite a time. Plus, I’d have the chance to catch up on my sleep within a matter of hours.

Originally the surgery had been scheduled for check-in at 7:30, procedure at 9:30. They called a week before and moved it to check-in at 9:30, procedure 11:30. The Lord was surely with me as I remained calm and cool as a cucumber–not one left out in the hot garden, but one fresh from the fridge–as we checked in. Kevin noticed the time on my chart before I did. 13:30 … pushed back another two hours!

They were very nice and tucked us away in our own little room. ( I made Kevin behave himself.) They even gave me a fashionable gown and stylish socks to keep me warm. Each time they offered me a heated blanket, I took them up on it. By the time they came to prep me for surgery, I had four blankets on! It was like the Princess and the Pea, but in reverse. 🙂

The last time I had an IV put in was during preterm labor with Joshua and they spent literally three minutes grinding the needle around, trying to find the vein. This time I asked them to numb it first. My first nurse–I had three I was there so long–wrapped a wet, heated towel around my arm for a few minutes to loosen my veins up, numbed, and got the IV started first try. Kind of funny, too, as she’s squeamish and couldn’t go into the operating room with me or she’d pass out.

We passed the time watching TV shows, cracking each other up, and counting how many hours since I’d last eaten. The last thing I remember is the anesthesiologist talking to me about starting the femoral block. I came to in the recovery room a few minutes before they brought Kevin in and showed us the pictures of the new ACL graft.

I was free to go home as soon as my nausea would allow. Despite the Prilosec the night before, a Tagament before surgery, and two doses of anti-nausea meds in my IV, I felt sick. They ended up taking me out in a wheelchair. Kevin propped me in the middle seat of the van with my leg up and we made it home by 9ish.

The days have flown by since then because I’ve slept through the majority of them. Once Kevin filled a prescription for anti-nausea pills in the middle of the second day, I was able to keep food down and my strength returned. Not too bad a deal, right? A mini vacation at a spa. Kevin and Mom have taken great care of me and the church provided four meals. Yippee! When can I do this again?

Seriously, thank you for ALL your prayers. Enjoy this most wonderful holiday with your families. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

One Response to Surgery Kneecap

  1. C.J. Darlington December 23, 2007 at 6:44 am #

    So glad to hear you’re doing better! 🙂