As Time Goes By

My knee’s driving me nuts! I’ve got to distract myself from getting claustrophobic of my own body. It’s been more than a week since I injured it. My MRI isn’t until Wednesday. And it just keeps weirding me out.

Since the swelling has gone away, that strange bump looks extremely freaky and I now have bone-against-bone sensations. I’m using my grandmother’s walker to get around. Go ahead and laugh. If it weren’t happening to me, I would as well. Maybe I’ll post a picture of me shuffling around.

In the meantime, to get my mind on something else, I thought I’d post a link to the world clock. This made its way around on email a few weeks ago, so you might have already seen it.

World Clock

Particularly sad: the number of HIV infections, abortions, and divorces.

One Response to As Time Goes By

  1. Jennifer L. Griffith November 12, 2007 at 12:00 pm #

    Okay, you didn’t tell me that you hurt your knee too!

    I pray all goes well and you DON’T need surgery. I’m praying the same for mine. I’ve had a good 6 days since acupuncture treatment. Praise God.