Personality Test & Clean Freak Mama Revisited

Chanda Canup had invited me to take a personality test, but I was self-grounded from playing on the computer at the time. But isn’t blogging supposed to be fun?

Click to view my Personality Profile page

“ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge and often make good supervisors.” From

This puts me in the company of other ESTJs like Princess Leia, Lucy from Peanuts, and President George W. Bush. The best news: one of the career matches for this personality is writer!

Having viewed my personality type, you probably understand why Clean Freak Mama made her comeback in the Berry household. If my house is cluttered, I cannot produce as many words, focus on the job at hand, or enjoy my calling.

To clarify, I’m a clean freak, but I will NEVER let it become OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.) How does this play out in real life? If I see a mess, I don’t allow myself to walk past it, thinking I’ll get to it later. Instead, I clean it up. If I don’t, no matter what other work I’m doing, I start to feel behind. I feel pressured to hurry so I can get the house in order.

And how is that not OCD? 🙂

To be honest, I spend more time blogging or reading blogs then I do cleaning. And take my kitchen floor. I am sweeping it more often, but I have no idea when I mopped last. And we still eat any food which falls on the floor, abiding by the 5-second rule. (Scientists actually researched this and we’re way off. Dry foods–like Skittles–remain free of germs for a whole minute, while moist foods can last 30 seconds.)

If I were OCD, I’d have to find the link for that research, but I’ll just ask you to trust me.

6 Responses to Personality Test & Clean Freak Mama Revisited

  1. Chanda Canup September 7, 2007 at 1:18 pm #

    Yay!!! Thanks for posting your profile — I haven’t looked at it yet, but I gather you are much like my momma. Some of that rubbed off on me, ie: messes drive me crazy but I have gotten a handle on this and can save minor messes for a later, more convenient time. And my kids only have to clean up their room(s) once a day, now. And I refuse to clean up their room(s), even if I walk by and they are horrendous.

    Still, our house is spic and span every night before bed…at least cleaning doesn’t really bother me, like it does some people.

    Funny that you and I are opposites: I am an NF, and you are a ST…hmmm, I’ll have to check out your profile now. I’m interested (one of those ENFJ things).

  2. Jen's Journey September 7, 2007 at 8:29 pm #

    I couldn’t resist…Found out I am a “Supporter” as if I didn’t already know that. However, it is fascinating to see all that is me. 😉

    God Bless!

  3. Christina Berry September 7, 2007 at 10:01 pm #

    I added the multiple intelligences. Very interesting!

  4. Dianne September 9, 2007 at 5:13 pm #

    Interesting. We’ll be doing the MBTI thing with our Bible study group as a 3-week lead-in starting next week. I’m very interested to learn more about this. Whatever the results say, I feel pretty sure writing’s still my bag!

    So you are OCD but you’re not a classic OCD perhaps? My thinking on this: everyone has a little OCD in them!

  5. Jen's Journey September 10, 2007 at 8:55 am #

    Considering I never watched “Friends” I am not sure if Monica Gellar is a compliment. 😉

  6. Robin September 10, 2007 at 7:06 pm #

    Hi – checked out your profile from your comment on Randy Alcorn’s blog. He’s one of my favorite authors. I love your sense of humor and your OCD comments. People have accused me of that, but with two small children my house is definitely not spic and span – oh the shame…

    Enjoyed your post.