He Does Not!

Welcome to OCW week here at Posting With Purpose. I’ll be your host, Christina Berry. We’ve got plenty of good stuff for you, folks:

~my first photo of a particular insect–yes, it’s so particular it only eats certain kinds of organic grass! Ba-dum-bum.

~photo after photo of the best editors, agents, and writers (both published and un) this great nation has to offer.

~the dastardly tale of the wretched prank played on Donna Fleisher.

~the punishment Donna meted out on that poor, unfortunate soul.

So stay tuned, you won’t want to miss a single post of this exciting series! And now, to the first post which is connected to OCW by a tenuous thread.

Who is this scary man, you ask? No, it is not a picture of OCW Treasurer Ernie Wenk, though I have no doubt he is also this tough when placed in the wild. This is a snapshot of Bear Grylls, the host of a Discovery Channel program called Man vs. Wild. My aunt thinks he looks like my son, especially in the eyes and the mouth. She even insinuated that I might have “met” this guy at some point in time. The nerve! I’m so deeply offended, I’ll be emailing her to check out this blog immediately.

But how does this fit under the OCW week category? My Auntie Depressant, as she calls herself, sent this the day before we were to leave for the conference. There we were, up to our necks in gift bags, greenery, speaker systems, and sand bags when this ridiculous accusation comes through by email.

Of course, we dropped everything and took this picture to document that my son looks nothing like Dear Bearie, which is my little nickname for–oops, I mean that TV host I’ve never met.

6 Responses to He Does Not!

  1. C.J. Darlington August 12, 2007 at 5:44 am #

    LOL! Looking forward to reading these posts.

  2. Lynetta August 12, 2007 at 10:04 am #

    Okay, you’ve got me hooked! Keep ’em coming 🙂

  3. donna fleisher August 12, 2007 at 5:47 pm #

    Hah!!! This is gonna be a fun week. ; )

  4. Tammy Bowers August 13, 2007 at 8:27 am #

    I know nothing of the prank and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for details!

  5. Joe August 13, 2007 at 8:40 am #

    Hope he does not become a liar like Bear..


    Want more?


  6. Anonymous August 14, 2007 at 7:35 am #

    Dear Niece,
    I’d LOVE to see a Side by Side picture of Big Bear and Little Bear. The resemblance is amazing!!! What a funny little niece you are!!! P.S. He does TOO!!

    Love, Auntie Depressant