Ladies, All the Ladies

Well, really just the wives!

Dana McCall, a young wife who’s raising funds with her husband to go to Tanzania as Wycliffe missionaries, let me know about a great 30-day challenge for wives.

Here’s the link:

I thought it was very appropriate to spotlight this month as Kevin and I will be celebrating eleven years of wedded bliss on March 23. Okay, maybe some of those years haven’t been as blissful as others, but the Lord has faithfully brought us to a place where that’s what I choose to focus on.

Someday I’ll let you all in on our marriage story, but today is not the day. Know this: I’m not speaking out of a naive, unscathed life. I’ve learned from experience that the only one you can change is yourself. No matter what is going on in your marriage at this moment, this challenge will encourage you to walk in a righteous path.

One Response to Ladies, All the Ladies

  1. Winter March 10, 2007 at 4:55 am #

    I’m gonna have to remember this when mine comes home.

    Hey, I need your e-mail. Mine’s