Change of Plans

I could call this “Change of Sheets,” but that’s getting ahead of the story.

One thing I’ve discovered about myself–and I can’t say I like it very much–is that after an excellent day, I tend to have a low day. On Thursday, I was so excited about my agent’s email. All of my critiquers have really enjoyed the first few chapters and wonder where the story is going to go. Undiscovered, as the name suggests, is a little mysterious, though not a mystery.

But Friday. Oh, poor Friday. I was blah and lazy and moody. It’s kind of like what one woman was saying at our church ladies’ get together that night: “If I lose a pound, someone else gains it. And vice versa.” If I’m extremely happy, I use up some of the happiness I have stored up for tomorrow so the total amount of emotion in my universe remains stable. Totally nuts, but it seems to be the way I function.

(If you were to ask my family about it, they might not have noticed as my New Year’s resolution was to be cheerful as an act, not a happenstance. )

Saturday. Church day for us. A wonderful, family day for me and I enjoyed every second of it. It was the wee hours of Sunday morning that I didn’t enjoy. Around 5 AM, Joshua got sick. And continued to do so for the next four hours. I changed a lot of jammies and a lot of sheets, even though he’s now mastered the ability to sleep while holding the bucket under his chin. Every now and then, I’d curl up on the end of his bed and catch a cat nap until the next round.
Which changed our plans for today. Mr. & Mrs. Case were coming over this afternoon to watch our Family Feud tape–yes, our family was on The Feud–and then the men were going to a church function where humans of the male persuasion eat elk, venison, sturgeon, and strange animals, one of which is called The Mystery Meat. In years past, it’s turned out to be ostrich…raccoon, I think…. Mrs. Case and the kiddos were going to hang out with me and my kiddos.

Mr. & Mrs. Case do go by Dan and Veronica, but since they are our Taekwon-do instructors, I’ve got to give them that respect. Or they might kick me.

Cute story of the day: After the first sign of sickness.

Joshua: What was in it?

Me: In what?

J: My throw up.

M: Hamburgers and pork and beans, I guess.

J: I don’t like hamburegers and beans.

And I’ve got to go now. Surprisingly, I have a bed to make up.

4 Responses to Change of Plans

  1. Christina Berry March 18, 2007 at 5:10 pm #

    Just took his temp–101. 🙁

  2. Christina Berry March 18, 2007 at 10:28 pm #

    Oh, look! I can just keep commenting on my own posts!

    Had to share that the mystery meat this year was–it’s so sad–kangaroo. I’m proud to report my husband didn’t have a single bite of it!

  3. Janet Rubin March 19, 2007 at 12:56 pm #

    Hi Christina. Thanks for the comment compliment you gave me:) Congrats on having an impressed agent, I totally relate on the rollercoaster emotions (perhaps a writer-thing?), and completely understand the sick child thing. Poor kangaroo…

  4. Dianne March 21, 2007 at 4:38 pm #

    Hi Christina! Sorry about the sheets and all – just like kids to wonder what’s in their barf, huh?

    Thanks for the sweet welcome back . . . and I’d love that hamburger recipe if you care to email it to me.