Archive | Foster Care

Two Very Different Giveaways

On this day last year, The Familiar Stranger released! In honor of this momentous–as in lasts only a moment–day in history, I’m giving away an autographed copy to one of the new subscribers to my infrequent, humorous newsletter! Sign up at my website before my birthday, 9/30. If you happen to already be signed up, […]

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Keeper of Prayers

I tucked my almost–as in three days away from–two-year old “Tyler” into bed tonight and sang a few songs, then prayed. After I said, “Amen,” he prayed too. Went a little something like this: “I-nah, i-nah, i-nah i-nah i-nah i-nah. I-nah Mom. I-nah i-nah i-nah i-nah mine.” And so on, with a very powerful “i-nah” […]

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One Sick Puppy

I’m humbling myself here and begging for prayer. About a week ago, I started getting body aches. Followed by an extremely sore throat. Turned into clear blisters all over my tonsils. Gastrointestinal issues. Sneezing. Runny nose. Stuffy nose. Barking cough. Stuffy head. Goopy eyes. Every day one symptom disappears, but a new one takes its […]

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Parading Proudly in a Tutu

I posted this status on facebook about five hours ago: Watching my three-year old NOT dance at dance class. Great use of my time! 🙂 Man, did I get responses! Apparently I touched on a common nerve of mothers. “Angel” watched Andrea dance all last year. She would stand at the door and tap-tap-tap her […]

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WEIRD Things are Going On!

I’m going to assume that every single person who reads this blog is already subscribed to the infrequent, humorous Ashberry Lane Newsletter. If you’re not, why not?? The sixth edition hit inboxes around the world on Tuesday at noon. In case you missed it, here’s the main jest of the latest issue: WE’VE BEEN TO […]

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