Archive | Faith

When a Flower is NOT Just a Flower

Yesterday, after the weekly grocery shopping marathon, I found out uncomfortable financial news. A certain part of our monthly funds would be not coming in for all of January, and only a partial amount would come in February. It wasn’t due to us being irresponsible with money–just one of those things with funds making their […]

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You Never Know How God Will Use You

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so unexpectedly touched by a post. Please read it. Do you know how odd it is to read something and then realize suddenly that the writer is talking about you? I can’t do it justice by description, but it’s the perfect example of God using us beyond what […]

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Mexico Mission Trip!

Hi, this is Andrea. I have been wanting to go to Mexico on a mission trip since last year. This year I can go to Mexico if we can get enough money. We would be so grateful if you could help with the money. We would help finish building the orphanage and I would be […]

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K-Love Asks "Why Jesus?"

I had heard the promos on the radio all weekend. K-Love wanted listeners to make a 30-second video of why they love and follow Jesus. Every time I heard the ad, it was as if the Spirit nudged me to do that. Until a few months ago, I didn’t have a video camera I could […]

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Keeper of Prayers

I tucked my almost–as in three days away from–two-year old “Tyler” into bed tonight and sang a few songs, then prayed. After I said, “Amen,” he prayed too. Went a little something like this: “I-nah, i-nah, i-nah i-nah i-nah i-nah. I-nah Mom. I-nah i-nah i-nah i-nah mine.” And so on, with a very powerful “i-nah” […]

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