Big Family Tip #1

When we first married and combined our five kids into that wonderful thing called a blended family, we all had to get used to living with more people. Specifically, to sharing a bathroom with more people. In the case of the kids, a LOT more people. (All five children share one bathroom.)

Though we did our best–we thought–by sending them up in waves, there were still numerous low-key conflicts in the bedtime routine.

“He won’t give me the toothpaste!”

“Her wet toothbrush just touched my arm!”

“I don’t have any floss!”

“He spit swish in my hair!”

Only a few months in, I finally got smart and found a solution: we gave each child a little bin labeled with his or her name to hold flossers, toothpaste, and fluoride rinse (which we call swish) or mouthwash. Not only is there no more fighting over toothpaste, but they don’t share their germs as everything is separated! It’s also very easy to pull the interconnected bins out and wash them in the kitchen sink when they get a little nasty.

 As I share these big family tips, I hope others who are looking for ways to make their lives less stressful can adapt them and find inspiration. Yes, even in the dried-out spit trails of a kids’ bathroom sink. 🙂

2 Responses to Big Family Tip #1

  1. S. Hedin July 25, 2012 at 10:29 pm #

    Love it!

  2. Christina (Berry) Tarabochia July 25, 2012 at 10:35 pm #

    Wouldn’t Annika like her own little bin, Mrs. Hedin?? 🙂